Ceramic Veneers Expect more from your smile in Albuquerque NM You can upgrade your smile’s aesthetic in just moments with ceramic veneers. Dental veneers can improve the appearance of teeth that are stained, crooked or chipped. In addition, teeth veneers increase the strength and durability of the tooth. Dental veneers are thin pieces of ceramic […]
Crown & Bridge Dentistry is an art as well as a science; dental crowns offer a perfect example of this. A dental crown or “cap” is a covering that fits over a damaged, decayed or unattractive tooth. It can even replace a tooth entirely as part of dental bridgework. A crown completely covers a tooth […]
Bonding Mansour Family Dentistry is proud of the ways in which dentistry can restore broken or decayed teeth to full beauty and function. One of the easiest and least expensive ways of doing this is with dental bonding. Bonding uses tooth-colored materials to replace missing tooth structure or hide cosmetically unappealing minor defects in a […]
Cosmetic Dentistry What you should know about choosing a cosmetic dentist in albuquerque, NM? Cosmetic dentistry improves the beauty and health of your smile. Procedures include closing gaps between teeth, whitening discolored teeth, repairing chipped, broken or worn teeth, repositioning crowded teeth, replacing missing teeth or replacing old metal fillings. Advanced treatments include veneers, crowns […]